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Showing posts from December, 2020

December 18, 2020 - MS Medication Discussion

Today my neurologist and I discussed medication. He suggested two medications; Copaxone and Tecfidera. Since I was thinking of starting a family but have been some what undecided, we agreed on Copaxone. I am going to have to get used to self administering an injection 3 times a week. In 6 months, June, I will have to do another MRI to make sure it is working. I hope it does Because I don't want to see the ugly side of MS. It's scary enough to know what I already know about it and I don't want to experience it worse than what I already have.  I am still having a hard time researching multiple sclerosis. I really don't want to know anymore about it because it scares the hell out of me with each new thing I do learn.   I am slowly making progress. I quit smoking. I am trying to be more active but going for walks. I am even researching diets and I'm going to quit drinking soon. I am trying. It sucks because it's all I think about and I am still figuring everything o...

December 5, 2020 - Aspartame is the Devil

     I have been drinking Coke Cola since I have been 14 or 15 years old. By the time I was 18 I would drink 3 or 4 a day. When I was 19 I had my tonsils removed and the taste of regular Coke changed. It burned my throat and I could no longer tolerate it. All was not not lost though, I learned that I could drink Diet Coke and I fell in love.      For years I drank Diet Coke religiously. Sometimes I even drank it in the morning like coffee but now I am done. I read an article that said there might be a connection between MS and aspartame and that was it for me. I don't care if it's a suspicion, if there's a possibility then I am done!       And since I am quitting Diet Coke, I am going to quit all sodas. Make that all sugary drinks.      Soda - were done!      Fake sugar- we are beyond done!