My my, what a crazy year 2021 was. Let’s start off with what I survived; A brand-new diagnosis, adjusting to a change of lifestyle, dodging the Coronavirus, a car accident, multiple MRI’s, four different medications for MS, multiple MS relapses – 2 of which were major and 1 of which left me semi-paralyzed, 5 months of physical therapy rehab, a fun trip to the coast, 3 different jobs, exploring new hobbies, learning new diets, gathering knowledge on the microbiome, implementing healthy habits, practicing a lot of self-discipline, finally letting go of the past and embracing a positive bright future, so many depressing moments and a few seriously suicidal thoughts, eight months of sobriety, a year nicotine-free, quite a few disagreements with the ball and chain, the loss of a family member, 10 Days in the hospital along with multiple doctor visits, a trip to Portland to see a specialist, so many scary new medicines, hemi-dystonia – not fun, ...