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A Break Over and A Brand-New Start

          My my, what a crazy year 2021 was. Let’s start off with what I survived; A brand-new diagnosis, adjusting to a change of lifestyle, dodging the Coronavirus, a car accident, multiple MRI’s, four different medications for MS, multiple MS relapses – 2 of which were major and 1 of which left me semi-paralyzed, 5 months of physical therapy rehab, a fun trip to the coast, 3 different jobs, exploring new hobbies, learning new diets, gathering knowledge on the microbiome, implementing healthy habits, practicing a lot of self-discipline, finally letting go of the past and embracing a positive bright future, so many depressing moments and a few seriously suicidal thoughts, eight months of sobriety, a year nicotine-free, quite a few disagreements with the ball and chain, the loss of a family member, 10 Days in the hospital along with multiple doctor visits, a trip to Portland to see a specialist, so many scary new medicines, hemi-dystonia – not fun, losing 30lbs, and finally four different times of being on steroids.

2021 was a busy year full of things I wanted to get through faster such as my lawsuit and my recovery so I guess I learned a little patience too. The biggest lessons I learned were how to take care of myself and to never take anything for granted, like how to walk or lift up an arm. There were so many experiences both bad and good. Some of them I experienced with my husband and some of them I experienced, by choice, completely alone. 2021 is definitely a year I will never forget but I look forward to 2022.

I am optimistic that 2022 will be a year of a great many things including this blog. I have decided to take control of my life, offer up everything I learn, and try to make this world a better place. I plan on continuing to learn more about the microbiome, nutrition, exercise, mental health, and so much more. I see this blog as a perfect way to do just that.

2022 is going to be a great year. How do I know this? Well, I received great news at the start of this year. The Rituximab is working and my lesions are starting to shrink. That means I can jump back on top and rock it this year. I also decided to sign up for the 5K challenge. Definitely something I never thought I would do because running does not sound like fun but it is when you’re trying to get n shape. Like that positive spin?

So, I invite you to come along with me. Learn what I learn and experience what I experience. I plan on doing a lot of posts about health, about the microbiome, about my life, and whatever else. Are you ready? Set? Let’s go!


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