Today I met with a neurologist. I have never met a
neurosurgeon or a neurologist until all this started. The neurologist did some
strange tests. He asked me to push and pull his hands, tested my strength,
looked at my eyes which blinded me, and held this vibrating fork against
different parts of my legs and arms.
The neurologist told me it's definitely not a tumor or
cancer and that they really do think it's a demyelinating disease. They are
leaning towards MS but want me to do a lumbar puncture to be absolutely
The neurosurgeon came in and told me what a lumbar puncture
was and how they performed them. She asked if I wanted to lay down and she
could visually show me what they were going to do. She told me that sometimes
you can get a bad headache after and to just drink lots of water and lay flat.
I told her that I didn't need her to show me, I understood.
Kurt and I were kind of thrown. We didn't know what to say,
what to ask, or really anything. I won't know until I get home and look into
Once we got to the car my head kinda spun with the thought
that I could have Multiple Sclerosis. I thought. “THIS IS CRAZY. IT DOESN'T
I need a drink or 100 drinks. I thought MS was rare? WTF
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