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August 26, 2021 - A Fatty Liver

    Today I went into to have an ultrasound of my liver. The doctor thinks I have fatty liver but wants to make sure. I have made some huge lifestyle changes. I quit smoking on November 16th, 2021. I quit alcohol twice, once in January - end of March and then again in May - current. I have quit all soda and sugary drinks in December 2020. I stopped eating prepared foods such as TV dinners and stuff like hot pockets. I have been focusing my energy on learning more about nutrition, food, and eating healthy. So by adapting healthier habits I am hoping I will loose weight soon and that will help alleviate my symptoms and fight my disease. Oh and fatty liver, which I'm sure I have.

    Since I don't have much control over this disease, by changing my diet and lifestyle it's my way of giving MS the middle finger. Focus on the things you can control, what you can fix.
The spasticity has been pretty hard. It's bad enough that my body crumples and I cannot stand through the "attacks" but yesterday I only had 2 spasms. So far today, it's 10:27 am, I haven't had any. The spasms usually are worse in the morning and at night so that's major improvement.
    I'm battling the idea of taking baclofen today. The doctor told me that taking baclofen will help the spasms. He also mentioned magnesium so my husband got me magnesium pills 200 MG. I would prefer to take magnesium over the baclofen but the spasms were so bad the other day that I decided to take both and I think it's been working. I'm going to try missing this morning baclofen to see if I can stop taking it and just take the Magnesium pills.
    I have also been pushing to exercise more. I have made it to 5000 steps everyday the since Sunday. I am trying to build up my stamina. Since my relapse I get tired so easily. I'm talking bone tired. Like fall over, can't take another step, I need to lie down tired. So 5000 steps is a huge accomplishment that I am so proud of. I'm using my galaxy watch to track my steps and push my daily goal a little more everyday.
    I tried to jog yesterday but I literally can't. My right leg doesn't move in rhythm with my left and it's still too weak to lift in quick movements. Rather than rush it, I will instead work on my walking speed.
    I am supposed to go to physical and occupational therapy but my doctor didn't want me to because we are having a Covid outbreak in our area and I'm on autoimmune suppressants. He feels this regardless of me having got the Covid vaccine because you can still get the nasty Covid symptoms and the symptoms can cause an MS exasperation. After the month I had, I am not willing to risk it especially if I can do it on my own at home.
    Overall today has me in a better mood. Still staying positive.
    On an off note - I hate cod, the fish. It's gross.

    Update 11:08 am - just had a spasm and took a baclofen. Don't wanna deal with spasms today 


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