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August 30, 2021 - Muscle Spasms

    So last night I had a spasm. I am so sick of these. My husband says it seems like I am having a seizure except I'm conscious through it.

    The spasm I had last night affected a new area, my tongue. Towards the end of the spasm my cheek and mouth muscles tightened and my tongue started to curl. It didn't feel like I would swallow it but I couldn't move it. I was trying to tell my husband that my tongue was now being affected but it was difficult because I was consumed with the intense contractions of all my muscles. When the spasms stopped, I'm exhausted and panting. I fell asleep and was woken a few hours later with another spasm.

    When I woke up this morning, I tried to slowly get out of bed so I could get up to go to the bathroom. As soon as I stood I was taken by another spasm. My husband grabbed my arm to try to keep it straight so I wouldn't stain my arm since my arm sometimes twists and bends uncontrollably. Thankfully he was there to help me through it.

    I called my neurologist's office and left a message. I explained to his nurse/assistant all the details of the muscle spasms and he said that it didn't seem normal. I will wait for my neurologist to call back. I want his opinion. I'm trying to keep calm and not get overwhelmed by emotions. I know that won't help.
It's obvious that the baclofen and magnesium aren't working. I stopped the magnesium yesterday but I am a little wary about stopping the baclofen because I don't want to risk the spasms becoming worse in intensity and frequency.

    I am curious to also know if these spasms are in any way related to my menstrual cycle.  I don't think that this is related to my recent flair because it started a week after we got home from the hospital, 1 month after the start of the relapse. We will wait for a call back to see what the doctor says.

    I am recording all of my muscle spasms and the next time my husband is home during a spasm he is going to try to video it for my doctor's appointment on Friday.

Muscle Spasms

6:30 am
8:15 am
5:30 pm

6:30 am
8:15 am
2.21 pm
9:00 pm 
10:40 pm

6:45 am
8:27 am


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