Numbness in face - Which dissipated 3 hours after attack on Sunday, numb tongue, weakness and lack of coordination in arm and leg which has caused me to drop things and drag my leg, trouble brushing teeth and my hair, difficulty speaking because of numb tongue.
Symptoms have gotten alot milder but I am still having weakness in my right side and have trouble driving. I decided not to drive because I feel it is unsafe. I am unable to gage how much pressure I am putting on the gas and the break.
I feel as if I have trouble finding the right words especially when I'm tired. Is this fatigue or brain fog?
I asked my neurologist if my car accident could have caused me to have a MS flare because I feel as though that is what is causing my current symptoms. My neurologist gave a note to his nurse to forward on to me that said even though the car accident (occurred May 17, 2021) it wouldn't cause any permanent MS problems and that it was possible that the stress from it could exaggerate my symptoms but I would need to talk with a occupational Health physician to find out whether or not that was the cause. I feel like the neurologist isn't listening. I think this is a flare but he thinks this may be an MS exasperation that will stop when I change my medication from Copaxone to Vulmerity.
I am fine now but a bit weak on my right side. I am frustrated because this happened last year and it took over 6 months to "kind of" recover. It was super scary when it happened because it affected my speech. It's scary as hell when you feel something strange happening to your body, see it, and then hear it. I should go to the ER but since the symptoms lightened I am hoping they will disappear completely.
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