9:00 am
So I woke up and didn't have a spasm. YAY
But the Tecfidera has been making me feel sick since yesterday evening. My stomach is burning 🔥 and I feel like I'm going to puke, separately I feel gasy. I just feel so sick.
My left side has decided it wants ro mess with me. It's clumsy, uncoordinated, and acts like it doesn't know how to go about doing what I'm telling it to. This is unbelievably frustrating. I just want one normal day.
I'm might be having another flare. I hope not. I don't know how long the Tecfidera takes to work but my left arm all of a sudden doesn't know what it's doing. Couldn't get my towel off my shoulder to wrap around me. Was having trouble with my fingers. I kept getting my fingers tangled in my hair when I was washing it. This is shitty.
I'm getting together a list of things to talk to my doctor about tomorrow. This is what I have so far;
- Still uncoordinated, unbalanced in the right side
- Weak on right side
- Have had trouble sending messages to the LEFT side on and off for 2 weeks now, when I want to grab it's like sometimes my left hand and wrist doest know how to go about it. It will move forward instead of the back or vice versa
- Working on building up my stamina. At 4,100 steps.
- Disability - need it. Have been unable to work since 6/28. What is my disability score?
- Work - need more time
- MS Specialist - I want to see one in Portland OR
- HSCT - hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- Muscle Spasms and menstrual cycle - show video
- Should I be taking a multivitamin?
- How long will this flare last?
- How long does it take for the Tecfidera to start working?
- Tecfidera is hard on the stomach?
- How many lesions on the last mri?
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