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October 5, 2021 - Rituxan Infusion

    This morning we drove to Medford to the Infusion Clinic. My husband was not able to come in with me because of Covid. He took me to the elevator and then I was on my own. Not completely. He texted me multiple times during the infusion to make sure I was okay.

    After I checked in, I sat for a moment until the nurse came to get me. She was super nice and gave me the choice of seating. There was one older man already there and from my eavesdropping abilities, I gathered he was there for some kind of treatment for cancer.

    I set my things down and went to the restroom. When I came back the nurse took a warm pack and warm blankets and wrapped them around my right wrist. The heat was supposed to make my veins more apparent. 

    Before she got started she went over information regarding Rituxan; what it's used for, common side effects, serious side effects, and if I had any questions. I did have one. How long did the common side effects last? She said that everyone is different but usually 2 days. She said we would have to keep an eye out for serious side effects for a full 24 hours and if I experienced any chest pain or shortness of breath I need to call 911 and go to the hospital immediately.

    She was unsuccessful in putting the IV in both wrists so she called in two other nurses to bring in an ultrasound machine so they could locate the vein in my left arm. They finally were able to get the IV in. Once it was in they gave me Tylenol and Benadryl. The Tylenol was to help with headaches, the Benadryl was to help prevent an allergic reaction from the Rituxan. They also gave me Steriods in an IV and flushed it. 

    I arrived at the clinic at 9:00 am. Getting the IV in took an hour or more and we didn't get the Rituxan started until about 10:30 am. At about noon I started to feel the effects of the Benadryl. I was super tired but the Steriods were leaving me restless. The nurse told me to try to nap and if I couldn't sleep to just close my eyes. One of the medications left me extremely thirsty so I kept drinking water. Honestly, I think that helped keep the headaches at bay. I kept feeling them slightly come on and then go away after a few minutes.

    Everything half-hour the blood pressure machine would come on and the nurse would take my temperature. My temperature was always 97 point something and my blood pressure was normal for me at about 101 over 60. During treatment, there were only 3 total people who were also being treated, all of whom I suspect were being treated for cancer-related illnesses.

    I had expected to be out of there at about 5:00 pm but because my vitals were so good I was done at 3:30 pm. I said goodbye to the nurse and met my husband at the car. He got me my favorite, Firehouse Subs Chicken Soup with Dumplings, and brought me a plant from his cousins (so sweet).

    I was weak and extremely tired so we went straight home which was good because I could barely hold a conversation and my memory was very fuzzy from the Clinic on. When we got home, I went straight to be to lie down. I gave Kurt the paperwork explaining the treatment and symptoms so he could know what to watch out for. He is very dependable and I am very lucky, very very lucky.

    He made dinner which was salmon, macaroni and cheese, and corn, and then I went to sleep. Once I got comfortable, I was out like a light.

    UPDATE - My biggest symptom was extreme sleepiness which I tried to fight. Even getting up the next morning was more difficult than usual but I did it. I was so nervous about this treatment but now that it is done I am just washed with relief. I am on one of the best drug modifying therapies and now all I can do is focus on getting my strength back, on being as healthy as I can be, learning more about nutrition, exercise, my disease, and treatments/research. 


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