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October 6, 2021 - Things Could Be Worse

    Sometimes it takes a little compassion and perspective to really understand what someone with MS has to deal with. During my journey, I have seen just a small piece of the MS beast. I always say things could always be worse and today I found a perfect example. I am not supposed to share things from my MS community but I can't help but do so after reading it. 

    It broke my heart and my spirit ached for reprieve. My soul begged for mercy and I prayed inwardly while wanting to cry out for someone to help this poor person. 

    What really puts things into perspective is that homelessness is not uncommon for people with MS. Neither is divorce or family abandonment. I read stories like these every day and I count myself blessed to have the support, both mental and physical, that helps me fight this disease. 

    Meanwhile, a part of me feels guilty for those who are alone fighting this disease. I can only hope that there is something I can do to help people with MS in the future. 

"My heart is broke. have a small non profit and we provide tents, tarps, clothes, food ...... to the homeless it us something i can still get out and do and it brings me fulfillment. Today i was asked to help a lady who was having trouble ambulating. She was sitting on the curb so i got out of the van and started talking to her. She said she has MS and her legs felt like weights she was filthy. She had not eaten in 3 days and had all her belongings stolen the night before. I cried there. I was able to get her into our van and take her to get a hot shower and clean clothes. We got her food and started assesing as to how we can help her long term. We found out she owes over $2000 back rent to hud so any public housing is out we have NO shelter for women Salvation Army is only for men here. All she could do was cry. She was so sick! All this poor woman wanted to do was to lay down. She had not had her ms meds for months. I was sick. At the end of the day all i could do was give her a blanket and a used tent. She was so scared. I told her i would bring her a wheelchair tomorrow but imagine not being able to walk, being in pai, having ms, and being homeless. This is my worst nightmare... I just can not wrap my head around it. One person reached out to help her. One person flagged me down because they knew my van and knew i would help. I work with the homeless every day but this was a wakeup call. Does anyone know of any services that help people with ms that are homeless..."


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