I need to go home right now. At home, we are under advisory evacuations for the Mill fire in Siskiyou County and we are in an evacuation zone. Earlier this year we had another fire that had half the town under mandatory evacuation. It was very scary. Right now, it is only under advisory but it could escalate to mandatory at any time and I worry that my mother-in-law will not be able to get all the animals vacated by herself. I don't want to be here and I know they can just prescribe prednisone and release me. I promised the doctor that I would return to the ER if my symptoms worsen or if the steroids don't work. Now I need to wait for my husband to get here and take me home.
Okay, so the fire is quite a ways away but fires move very quickly and I believe that is why we were under advisory. It seems that evacuations are lifting so that's good. A friend of mine's house did burn down and he lost his dog. I couldn't imagine. So horrible. 😔
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