It hurt the most 09/2023 So, after being diagnosed I imagined the most horrible things happening physically. I didn’t expect the things that would happen mentally. I didn’t expect withdrawal or depression. The depression I had was never to the extreme before. It was the depression that had you looking at your gun as a backup plan. I believe now that I wouldn’t have gone to the extreme but I don’t know what kind of potential those thoughts honestly would have had. It did up having the opposite effect though. I was and never have been suicidal. I have always been a pretty optimistic person. I remember having the biggest relapse and being full of hope. Numb, but full of hope. The depression hit me when I thought I had caught the relapse early. It must have been a severe chemical imbalance because, I swear, the steroids fixed it right away. The next day I really noticed a change. It was like a switch flipped. I wondered how I could go down such a dark thought process. I knew it was complet...