6:30 am Basically what I wake up to every day. It seems to happen no matter what I do. I try to move slowly, try to slowly move my leg and arm, and it doesn't matter. The spasms hit hard and fast. I guess it's one way to wake up. You can't see in this video (cause I'm in my underwear) but my right leg is extended out and also in a spasm. My stomach and cheek are also in spasm. My arm, wrist, and hand are the most intense. 10:06 am So far today I am feeling good. My period is over which helps and I am getting back on my diet. Being in the hospital from my flare threw me off track big time and I haven't been as focused on my diet as I should be. I have finally started losing weight again which is great. When I finally finished the steroids, I was at 170. I last weighed in at 166.2 and every day that I have weighed myself I have stayed at 165 - 166. 3:22 pm Yay, skipped my baclofen this morning and I have...